This is a word I made up. Obviously. Every time I write it, the word processor I use tells me its not a real word as it makes that ugly red squiggly line underneath it. We make up words all the time.
A word is simply an expression of what we want or need in life.
When we put one word with another word, we get a sentence, then a paragraph. Eventually we get a lengthy paper that is only attempting to accomplish what we can’t say with just one word. So, when someone doesn’t understand us, or listen, or obey, or hear, we add more words. Some more colorful than others, I’m sure.
This is our word: Amonkst
It’s a fun and playful word taken from it’s delightful first cousin: amongst. It means to be among one another. [Not an official definition but it’s officially official in this account]
Our word is both communal and missional. Monks live in reclusive communities for the sake of preserving the purities of humanity. By simply retreating to live in communal bliss, they are able to restore any goodness lost in this world with an anticipation of renewal in the world.
Monks retreat, restore, and renew. For our purpose we’re talking specifically about Christian monks who live in monasteries andare in covenant with one another. Even though our family, which may be like yours, cannot live a ‘monkly’ life of solitude and seclusion. But that doesn’t mean we can’t live a ‘monkly’ life at all.
Having a family, full-time jobs, and social lives kind of prevents us from living like monks. Though, I do have a moment to act ‘monkly’ when I retreat to our chicken coop, to restore their food/water, and renew their laying boxes.
So, how do we live a ‘monkly’ life given all of the busiest found within it? How do we daily retreat, restore, and renew? That’s what we’re trying to figure out and invite you to share amonkst our table.
We’re a family just like most of our readers. We don’t have time to walk around in a robe in the silence of a beautiful day while raking sand in a therapeutic and religious way. We barely have time to even enjoy the luxury of wearing a bathrobe because we have to rake the yard, take out the trash, wash the dishes, bathe the children, wash our clothes, cook meals, and repeatedly repeat the sounding joy of it all.
But, this last year in particular, we stopped. We had too, like most people. When we did, we found ourselves at our table sharing ‘amonkst’ it, for as soon as we left the table, the busy world was waiting on us. But, it can wait for a moment while we gather and share words to those around our tables who need and want us. Not just need or want us. Let these words be something to think about until our next ‘meal.’ Share ‘amonkst’ your table for change ‘amonkst’ the world.
Retreat. Restore. Renew. Repeat.