Sharing Amonkst The Table For Change Amonkst The World
Mission & Vision
Our mission is to "share amonkst the table" with a vision for "change amonkst the world." We receive the Lord's Supper every week with our family, and theologians like John Wesley (co-inspirer of the Methodist movement in 18th Century England) believed that all of God's grace was/is available at the Lord's Supper. John Wesley even has records of folks giving their lives to Jesus upon receiving the Holy Meal.
We believe our family's love of the dinner table, the Lord's Supper, and sharing meals with other families and friends will be the chief means of reaching many people in England.
One of the most central staples of the English community is the pub. Our experience with pubs in America is vastly different because, in Mississippi, everyone has to usually drive to their "pub" or place to eat. In England, there is a pub on almost every block, and sometimes there are more! When Kristina and I traveled to England in the summer of 2019, we discovered the rich community found in the pubs. Our family frequently patronized our favorite pub in downtown Hattiesburg, Mississippi, called the "The Porter," many times.
The Gospel of Luke is very particular in describing the Table Ministry of Jesus. For He often sat "at table" with sinners and chief tax collectors. On the night Jesus was betrayed, He sat at the Table with Judas offering him grace, as well.
We have discovered many families searching for a place to bring their children yet enjoy themselves with other adults. We're not talking about a fast food place, either. We have had countless conversations at our own dinner table and pub tables with families looking for this place. One day our family will establish and run a pub ministry of our own that fulfills these families' pains. In England, we will learn how to reach those in similar life stages, and we will do exactly as Jesus who shared at His Table for change in the world.
If your heart is like ours, then come have a seat at our table as we "share amonkst the table" for "change amonkst the world." We build our practices and theology upon Scripture - the Word - The Bread of Life - and we are broken and sent into the world to be a living sacrament of the Word Made Flesh as we join Jesus who welcomes us at His table.
If you have a love for the table and Christ's Table, then let's gather around the Table together and feed one another!
Will you prayerfully consider joining our financial support team? Your donations are tax deductible and 100% of your donations will go directly to support our ministry. During our time in England, we will be learning about new and innovative ways of church-planting. Fresh Expressions is one of these ways, and it originated in the UK. While we have launched a few here, we want to learn how to network these fresh expressions into micro communities and help build the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Check out our story below and/or click the button below to donate!